Basically an action reverse lets you play two games with the money required to play one. You risk $220 to win $400 (at -110). The catch is a split. Split two games in an action reverse and you lose $120 - the lose of one game and the juice of another. Split two $100 straight bets you lose $10..
Credit to poster Hell on Wheels for the following description...
Reverse bets are simply if bets that work in both directions. All reverse bets are double action: the remaining bets in the sequence will be placed if the preceding bet is a win, a push, or is cancelled for any reason. An if bet (double action) follows the sequence if Team 1 wins, ties or cancels then Team 2.
Placing a reverse bet will include that sequence and its opposite: if Team 1 wins ties or cancels then Team 2" AND "if Team 2 wins, ties or cancels then Team 1.
IF Bets.
You bet on an initial team or total, if that wager wins then the second wager that you chose will automatically be placed. You should therefore always list the bet you are most confident about first. If your initial bet loses, then the second wager is not placed. The status of the linked bets has nothing to do with the games’ starting times or what order they are played in, it is strictly a logical relation.